El Lexington Herald de Lexington, Kentucky (2024)

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El Lexington Heraldi

Lexington, Kentucky

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16 Sunday Haild-Liite Apt USI Deaths And Funerals i I etudled the relationship betweea grades aad auto possession AH three of the high schools have regulations covering the regiabatiM at vehicles puking spaces and as of can during school houn The principals noted that many etudeets need cars to drive to Jobe after school hours view put-time Jobe important put of a atudeuti general education la life but they say ie the pre-occupUou at a student with the poaaeaaioc ef the car It seif which fa disturbing The Rev Leo Kampaea principal of Lexington Catholic High School said the school hid coo-ducted no special eurvey among the 41 etudeata who drive Father Kamuaeu that he had read of othw studies waa interested by them and probably would conduct a eurvey at Lexington Catholic not year have had uo (pedal problem" he eaid noting that the school ni planning to effect special puking and car regtetra-tiea next year At the city and county schools with regulations now to effect a register the park to its designated i aad stay away from aatU after shoal it dismissed for tha day Dunbar aad Douglass High Schools where fe drive thn ia lai reported ao special problems this WEATHER Rail to forvrart Mr afaa( the Nartk Pacitie Cuai Im Watolagtra tc Central Califante Showers art dm ia New fa*gtand aisag coastal asclteas at lha Middle Ailaatfa Waif la the Siuthw Aayvisrhisns aad agsl fa fat Central Pleiad aad Rockies It wll kt estorr la the Ohte Vidry aad Aptalartiaaa aad warmer la tha Nsrth sad Central Plates aad Nsrih aad Ccatral RscUcs UP Wirrphato Map) State RICHMOND April S-Jtarwy lbunikou 55 Ricfamoad Home died at Pattie A Clay Infirmary at 15:50 pm today after! aa Ulant of six mouths A aitive: of Madison County ho wu a farmer Survivors include fab wife Mrs Katie Shepherd Hamiitoe a daughter Mias Mary Elisabeth Hamiltaa two sons David Clayton aad James Edward all at Madison County seven latere: Mrs Woodrow CnUree Richmoad Ind Mrs HuraU Ridurdson Winchester Mr Carrie White Detroit Mick sml Mrs So Port wood Mr Call i Giz Mre Henry Edingtoa aad Mrs Everett Perkins all ef Rich-1 mood two brothers James Hemlltoa Richmond aad Bussell Hamilton Winchester and three grandchildren Th body in at the Oldham Roberts and PowcH Home where service vriD ducted at 5 pm (CDT) by the Baymond Kays will be la Richmond Cemetery Mrs Denver McCwaas RICHMOND April 8 Hein Lowery McComai eon County native died In a Cte-daaril hospital Friday sight She lurvived by her husband Dearer MeComua there eouu Ronnie Sullivan mid Michael aad Gregory McCoinaa all if Ctacia-aail tour brother Elmer Lowery Madison County Merits and Nolaad Lowery both sf Lesing-toa aad William Lowery Seattle Wash aad four listen Mre Charles Hardin Seattle Mrs Henan Brinegar Leziegtoa aad Mrs 0 Estes and Mrs Louis Foster both of Madisoo County Funeral service wiU be conducted at Williams! ow at I pm Tw avaae Wert ii iiJUD April 8-Thomas West 54 former Rictoneud reddest died at Elgin Air Fora Bra Ft Walton FlaJaa Friday Fsaersi services and burial wiU taka place Monday la Mobile Ain where bo had resided far tha part IS years Sundvlsg are' his wife Mr Grace Congletoa Wert his mother Mrs Mary Wert Rich-mood sister hire Gey Reed Wire sad a nephew lead Ware URBAN 59 I be ghawa 1 Lick three Sadler John Saddler Mary Kritr The body Funeral Home Mre DANVILLE CaldweU Friday at her dist Church Surviving llawkins Wayne Ohio Mre Yates Gregory Ft hire Braid three was Charleston Louisville St Paul Him CONFERENCE 59 devvrel exhibits are befa*g pteaaed tor Ihe Urkm Cmfrevoew held cl the Uatoereky at Keataeky Flat Aria Gallery arxt day Thanday aad Friday oxaadaiag mm at th a materted to ha displayed an bra tell Jamea Wash Byran wki and Carutkere A Cakmaa Jr Fla Bring experts fram Ihwagheut toe mvnliy will peak at toe eeeetoaa Uierald-Lradra Phsto) Car Top Slashed Vandals dashed the top ri his eoovertibie Bay Phillips 1 8 North Broadway reported to pa-Um Iasi right Phillips estimated his lora at Maters Mrs Can Kiehoiu County Mre Oddvilta Mrs Carlisle: is at Mathert-Shearer Bert Hawkias April 55 Mre Three UK Students Injured When Auto Smashes Into Bus Tinea University at Kentucky rtudrau were injured aeriy today when the sports ear to which they were riding struck a Greyhound Buo at the Bos Inert entrance to th UK campus Released after treatment at Good Samaritan Hospital rare: Beau Robertson II ef 1599 Ranedsburg Bold laceretloaa of Iho forehead and me Bred Clark 51 at 58 Clifton Avcaue Ureraiiaa a tha right ski at bia bred Teddy Wood SL ef 85 South Lhamoao Street shrailoM oa Ihe right aide at Me seek Hawktou tCt inf jug Persons Hurt Street died at ItolJWIIJ IIUII ham after aa iU-l a Two Accidents are her husband Bert lira daughters Mrs Adams Columbus Murray Butler Washington Mrs Freak Freaktort Mr A Huachuca Aril Huffman Danvllto Bruce Hawkias Hawkins Bert Hawkias grandctoldreu and five greot-graadchiltirea Fuarral services will be coa-dueted at 1 pm Sunday at Stlth Funeral Hem aad also at 5:8 pm Sunday at the Woodlawa Methodist Church to Neisou Dale Glnter 14-monthoid aoa of Mr aad Mre Ctotcr laceratloaa oa the hack of his bead and of the right ear Weilirgtou Moore ef the Mt Horeb Pike was admitted to St Joseph's Hospital for treatment Five penoos injured la two separata automobile accidents tort aigto rare admitted to local hospitals far treatment Admitted to Good Samaritan Hospital were: Reid Inter 57 OweasvtIIc taerraitaos at tha right tog chest aad head injuries Mre Reid later Owrusvflto multiple lacerations at Ihc fore County by Dr Howard Whit- -f lajurire iacludtog bead fajur-aker Burial wiU be in Wood-i ton Slate Officials aimed Allphln Mis Beadaover and two other employeei at the William Kincaid bull-nee manager and Ha Tina Neoi a supervisor Mater's questioning largely on whether he could have acceu to records listing coatrlbo-tions tqr employee Oa the advice of their counsel Ulrica Bider both hyoa and Crutcher said Miller could the record only as It pertains to Mrs "it the records are available" added Bider Lyoo said he has had very little to do with fund collecting that he had neither permitted it nor inhibited 1ft kept getting worse" eaid Lyoo "People wanting to give money I got tired at it and told them to give it to her (Mrs Bead-sower) and not bother me with Questioning Crutcher Miller wanted to know who Crutcher delivered the money to after receiving from Mrs Beadnower Bider advfaed Crutcher not to newer except to say ao money was turned over to any at the defendant in the suit Crutcher said Mrs Fitzgerald had contributed $4171 starting la October 1867 Night Raiders struggled as the getaway can sped a way Parker waa charged with raping a 14-yea r-cid white womaa than Petal Miss in adjoining Forrest Comity in the presence at her five-year-old daughter but February His trial waa to haw started Sheriff Mooey sf Pearl Biver County said he believed the raiders either had taken Parker from the area or damped him into eame water Special FBI UMto Arrive FBI Director Edgar Hoover quickly ordered a special team at agents into PopUnriUe Two arrived in mid-morning The quickly formed posse scoured the wooded lands and tha red clay hills Parker waa taken from the un Si(fL HEDGE TRIMMER GIANT TRADE-IN Mom's Ifco trimoMT sals of lha poor If yoa'vs boon wasting mw trfaimoc now is Iho Now la buy it For laM Haw wdy wo will allow you a full 1750 oa poor 14 titauasr Ih mw sM 50 HIRE'S HOW YOU SAYS! Msw trimmur s4 5100 Trade-in Ciadit 1750 Ysa pay aaly 3350 WILSON INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES IRC SKIL SALES I SIRVICI 550 4fh Sr Did 1-1450 Bmy Pelftey 57 of the Old Frankfort Pike waa admitted to Central Baptist Hospital tor treatment at head tnjurica Ha waa listed la satisfactory condition early today Polio said tha Gintere were injured vrhra their car wav (track by a vehlcto driven by Wellington Tha sectoral recurred ao Ihe New Circle Road at tha Newtown inter told police that ha waa (Dtag north oa tha Now Ctrcte Hoad at about 8 mites a hour whra Moore ran a atop sign aad struck hia car ear caught fire aad waa badly damaged be tore couaty firemen could put eul Jhe Maze Moore was unable to give poitoe details at tha accident Prifrey wu seriously injured whra hia ear tuned aver several time aa Southland Drive at Bore moat Garden DEVOTION LODGE 160 LEXINGTON Calbd hteutfaq Catrfarmc ef MM ffa*gra FrL May I IB PAL Local Ben Allen Ben Allen 8 of Valley Station died Friday at tha Veteran Administration Hospital after a tong Illness A veteran of Worid War I he to survived by a aoa Bea AHea Jr Valley Station The body was takes to Kerr Brothers Funeral Him end will he sent to the Heady Funeral Home ia Louisville Mrs Aflc CL Mrs Alice Calvert Baker 70 of 435 Walnut Street died at S-15 a yesterday at Central Baptist Hospital after aa Ulaesa of several weeks Mrs Baker widow of Robert Baker was a native at Franklin County aad a daughter of the into James ead Susie Craig Calvert She moved from Lexington to Frankfort it yean ago and returned to Lcrtagtoa to live only racks ago She was a member of Calvary Baptist Church Survivors are two aieces Bin William Gruhha aad Mrs Alex Wilson Leztagtoa aad three aephewn Bay Soarfey Lexington James a Calvert Spring field Mass and tha Bev WO-Uaa Calvert Middletown Ohio Services wiU be conducted at a Tuesday at Kerr Brotb-n Funeral Horn by Iho Rev Ira Prosear Burial win be la the Lexington Cemetery Bearers wiD be William Gruhha Pickard Benton Hay Sousley Sam lousier Elmer Marshall and Gayte Gotomaa Friends may call at the funeral home after 4 today Mrs EBa Breeding Mrs Ella Breeding S4 of 71 Shropshire Avenue died at 5:55 am yesterday at St Hospital after aa illness of two days Mrs Breeding was the widow of Breediag aad daughter of the late Sheitoa aad Margaret Donohue Thompson She was native of Bath County but she had lived here dace IIS She waa a member at Castle-urood Chriatiaa Church are seven daughters Mrs Dorns Mrs Johns Mre LiUiaa Botkin Mrs Tom Perkins and Mre Otis CHten Lexington Mre Ads it Los Angeles Calif sad Bin George Busby Middletown Ohio: a at John Breediag Lexington a brother A Thompson Mt Sterling 10 grandchildren and 11 great-graudehikkva Services win be conducted at I pm Monday at Kerr Brothers Funeral Horn by (he Bev George Trout Burial will bo la HUi-crert Memorial Park Mre Abbit Bargla Mrs Abbto Good Burg in 84 widow of EuegueC Bin-gin died at 1:55 yesterday at local auretog home after a long Mrs Burgla ef Iho Nicholas-villo Road was associated with the Mitchell Baker Smith Co tor 55 years before her retire- menti' 1 She wu a daughter of the late Solomor Perry and Mary Willi am Good aad a native of Madtoou County She was a member at Central Christina Church Survivor are a Slighter Mre Aubrey Burgia Buhlman Lex-ton a brother El wood Good Fayette County a ulster Mre Bade Louisville threw nieces and two nephew a Brrvicna will be conducted at 19 a Tuesday at the SObrard Broadway fay the Rev Clintoa Henderson Burial will be to the Letoagtoa Cemetery Friends may call at the mortuary after i a today Prat Fkaak Cheek Frank Cheek professor In tha University at Kentucky Cote lege of Engineering vrei found id at his home 1492 Tates Creek Pike Friday light The body is at tha Mil-ward Mortuary Broadway (A more detailed account appears elsewhere to Herald-Leader) Chattel (aad Charles Laid a retired farmer died at 11:10 last night at a local auniag home after a long Illness Survivors include Us wife Mrs Lida Land a daughter Mrs Joseph Goodwin aad a son Walter Laud all of Fayette County The body was taken to the Milward Broadway James Service for Jams Blount 75 of 1M Sherman Avenue will ha conducted at 10 am Monday at Kerr Brother Funeral Home by tha Bev Burris Burial will he ia Spring Grove Cemetery ia Cincinnati Bearer wlH bo Leo Dunn Harry Siluettri Barkley Williams William Dargavell Lloyd and Eraeit Bryan Junes Parker Services tor Janies Raymond (Big) Parker SH Blackburn Avenue wiU be conducted at 1:30 Monday at Kerr Brother Funeral Home by the Bev Clarence Walker Burial will be to Uillcnret Memorial Park Bearers wiU be Jack Wright Howard Wright Sidney Bryan Sr Jesse Webster Jerry Power and James McKiaAey John Rector John Frank Rector died at I am yesterday at a local nure-ing home after a two-month iU- A retired farmer and bone trainer Mr Hector was a native of Owen County sad a son of the late Merritt aad Lkto Bridges Rector He was a veteran of the Spaniah-Americaa War and a member of the Christian Church Survivors ere two daughter Mre Elkin Jr Lexington with wham ho made his home and Mre James Leith Danville two eons- Frank Rector Houston "exas- sad John Morgan Rector Ktatwky half-brother Charles Hector Walton several stepchildren eight grandchildren and several greatgrandchildren The body Is at Kerr Brothers Funeral Home: Crcft Bovrfla RICHMOND April Relatives of Cecil Bowlin a native ef MuBsm County leaned today that he was fatally fajured to a truck wreck Friday night at Llacols Netk Ho operated a service nation there Survivors inclqde his parents Mr lad Mr Blevia Bowlin Berea Route 5 hi wife Mr Etauor Bowlin two sore David Cecil aad Bonnie aU of Iterate a ilrter Mrs Woodrow Bom Wslloo aad two brothers Richard aad James Bow ill both at Madim County Faoeral services win bt held at Iterate on Monday Mre Raymond Staid FLEMlNGSBURO April 8 Mre Mery Yantis Carpenter Strode is wife at Baymond Staodr oied at her bora to Fleming County this awning after a long illness Besides her husband surrivare are a daughter Mre Bobby Hick oa Fleming Couaty two granddaughteru Mary Lou and Cathy Ann Hickersoo both at Flcmisf County Funeral service win la conducted at (CDT) Monday is tha Boone Fuaerel Borne by the Bev Homer Reeder Burls WlH be in Flcmlngsburg Cemetery The body to at the funeral John A Clark FLEMINGSBURG April 8 Fuaerel scrvicea tor John A Clark ML who died Thursday will be eacdneted at 5 (CDT) Sunday at the Boons Funeral Hock hr the Rew Bob While and the Rev Homer Reeder Burial wM be In Flemingsbarg Cemetery Pallbearers will Hubert Shreut BUI Runyon A Berry Story Doyle and Eari Rawlings The body is at th funeral home lawn Cemetery The body to the fuaerel home Mre Maggie Baker Hargis DANVILLE April S3 Mrs Maggie Baker Hargis 91 Parka-ville died at 4:15 pm today at a local doctor1! office She wu a member of too Leziqgtou Avcauc Baptist Church Surviving are tour daughter Mrs Brown Lexington Mre Alfred Daria Danville Mre John Skidmore Erlanger Miss Margie Hargis Danville fiva Ed George Billy aad Alton Cecil Hargis all of Danville James Hugh Indianapolis Ind a brother Logan Baker Somerset three listers Mre Rob-ert Mueday Danville Mrs Jobs Boyd Shelby City: Mre Eari Daugherty Clarksville Tens II graadchildreu and aoa greatgrandchild Funeral retrices win be conducted at I Monday at the Stith Fuaeral Hama by Dr Elroy Lamb: Burial will ha In Bellevue Cemetery The body to at the funeral home Berea Ynaaa Ratliff MT STERLING April 55-Fo-neral eervlera for Karra Yvonne Ratliff 14-moot h-rid daughter of Mr and Mrs William Ratliff at Martha wll be conducted at 5 pm Sunday rt (be Mari ha Church of God by the Rev Donald Drake Burial wiO be la Ihe Berry Cemetery ia MenUra County The body to the residence from the Mitchell-Douglas Fa-neral Hnma tote afternoon guarded jail fa the pre-da we hours by sr 10 men Five terrified Negro prisoners watched tha hldnoping under the harsh warning to jn mouth shut" The raiding party took the ed key from Sheriff Moody's empty office but needed directioes hum other jrisenere to opea Parker's cell Jaft Nwaisliy Unguarded Sheriff Moody normally leaves the Jail unguarded Ha continued routine ho said because ha had no Inrtlrmloa feeling waa running high against Parker Gov Coleman obviously disturbed deplored the kidnaping and said ha would have taken precautionary measures I had any indication at all that this aort of thing would happen" The rape victim picked Parker out of a lineup and aaid he talked like the man who raped her near Lmnbcrtcu about IS miles to the north Feb The woman waa waiting with her daughter while her husband went to bertoa to get help for their stalled car Her attacker she eaid dragged her aad tha child from the car at knifepoint cuffed the Mild and threatened to kill them she didn't submit Savings Bond many other benefits derived by bond purchasers Benefits Are Cited bonds when widely Hardwick laid help to control inflation and at the earn time they help to build a bulwark against depression Share hi American program atreagtheai the American economic system that has already created the world'e largest per capita income the widest distribution of wealth the highest standard sf Hying and the fullest human freedom This program in basic to oar American way of Ufa Savings bonds are shares in America They mean better busl-ness for Central Kentucky security for our funnies better cit-' ixenshlp and greater opportunities for nil" Hardwick reported that Les-gtoa was one of 85 communities selected to conduct Share ia America campaigns this year he said 2000 new savers In tha Central Kentucky area" Findings Mixed MM IWu Vats 1) them have unlimited use of cars Of the lumber 8 ana failing and even are uadernchlevere Twelve students with average or better are asen of family can Grider said then was a "fairly close" coneiattoa between car possession and low grades and absenteeism sr school-skipping At Lafayette Senior High School where about 150 students drive Dr Davis principal said a survey conducted by the school's dean of boys Jack Lawson showed significant eorraation" there between low gradun aad car driving Grider and Davis both observed however that a student's eagerness sf possessing a ear could cause him to leave school Both died instanoes of where students hsvv takes part-time John bought a car and then found they had to find an additional Job to pay for tha ear With the choice of taking another without which they would loon the rar-or leaving school the student gives up his studies Clyde Lassiter principal of Henry Clay High School where only about SO student drive said one of the school's students left school only last week to take an additional Job Lassiter said the school had not 'A 53 K't'i r-i WYV Mautkid ilj Lift it i Guthrie principal of Diatom said mod of the students who drive at hie school need cure to vd to part-time Jobe Most art older students he eaid Mil Theda Van Lowe principal of Douglass eaid only srek at Douglan may drivu ears to schooL She eaid there were only four or five seniors whq had cars Arson fait They are trained to weik as a unit They will work ia concert with older men many of them veteran of World War aad the Korean War" After conferring with hie staff aad State Police Williams -announced Guardsmen would be concent rated here aad at Whitesburg He said State Police weald patrol the area and Guardsmen would bo moved to force wherever aeceeeuy to law and order and keep roads opea Williams asserted the Guardsmen are strikebreakers" and wiU not be used as watchmen at individual coal operation! Tha general aaid all troop had been quartered to mainly school gymnasiums and church la Peny and Letcher counties The two counUre have produced much of the violence to the seven-week-old strike over United liloe Workers demands for a $1 daily pay raise -to $2411 red a boa union processing coal from non union operetioos A non-union operator aad a truck driver have been slain UMW members charged in both Chandler called la the Guard after eight State PoUccmea aimed with ehotgims stood off about 450 pickets at tha Asfalo plant at nearby Combs Chaadler said of State Police are ia Jeopardy Failure to act bow would result to km of life and property" A spokesman for Wffliami said ro more battalions have been alerted tor possible rotation duty ia the coal feilds Tha battalions are the 440th Field Artillery at Louisville and the 545ad Field Artillery at Frankfort The fire destroyed the machine hop aad ignited loaded coal gondolas beneath the tipple The Hazard Fire Dept tha blase under coat nil after the Louisville ft Nashville Railroad rushed locomotive to th scene aad pulled tha flaming gondolas Aa attorney tor coal operators said tha blast waa set with gaso- lllhdh- Ashto Manager Mathis estimeted the lose at BUM Ha would not say he tbouifat the fire waa arson But asked about rebuilding the plant he replied: you with uo law and order to tha However Mathis said he thought State Police "have done everything humanly possible" ia view of their limited ambers Dynamiting have bee lumer-a rince the strike started to Harlan County and ipread to ilx other counties AsMo baa been dynamited three times the latest Thursday sight had continued operation at reduced capacity Two dynamiting! ware to the area a few hour the fire but earned no damage Chandler mobilized two bah Uliana of the guard a week ago but lent them home after arranging a third meeting to an attempt to settle tha atrika It failed Joe Lewis Lexingtoo attorney said a truck owned by Taylor Brothers Coal Company Knott County ires fired on today while en route to the Camp Fork tipple to Letcher County Lewis said ooe tire oa a dual wheel was punctured by tarn bullets but the driver kept going The driver was not identified Combs available tor tobacco states which do a significant research Job He also claimed that Water-field during his time ia the General Assembly and ether offices never offered a major MB or proposal to help Keutacky agriculture Combs criticized whet he celled ward hectare who infest and infect the of the State fair He said if he to elected he would tun the management over to farmers and fair win he made the nation's best" Combs campaigned earlier today at Greenville where he pledged to state government's meddling in politics" The candidate charged that Waterfldd has tried to use hie position as chairman of the Disabled Es-Serriceman'i Board to a political The sports car drtrea by 1 ertaou waa kariag th orlvm tty campus whea struck the right fto of Iho but Jurt behind tha door Tha oar was badly damaged Edward Cave 8 Lautovtlla driver of Ihe bua said he waa grtag aouth aa Bora Street whca lha sectoral serened Not In Court The Herald-Leader ha brea asked to state that William Fite ef til Marcella Drive wm not the maa by that asms whs appeared la Police Court Thursday oa a charge ef brisg drank Collision Kills Seven POGGIA Italy April 8 Seven persona were kilted aad 37 ethers rare Injured when a nd a heavy inch collided here today 1 FUNERAL FLOWERS Our Specialty! Glodiolo BASKET Call 3-22(6 ASHLAND FLORIST 656 Main Complete Selection Tha moderate pries of our sorvlc Is plainly Indicated on each of lire caskets in our display rooms Tha family can chaos from among twenty-four caskets ana which will moat thair exact requirements sa You rely cn him to protect your children to guide them safely across h-busy streets and a difficult time 5a Count on us foo a lifter Mrs Bea Wigouer Carivto Route 1 Fuaerel services wfll be conducted at 10 a (CDT) Tuesday it the Mt Pleeiaat Methodist Church by the Rev Eugene Cooper Burial wiH be in ML Pleasant Cemetery- The body ii rt tha Matherc-Sheerer ChapeL Jeyee GaH Hmi CARLISLE April 8 Joyce GiD Hunt 4-year-old aoc of Mr and Mre John Hurt died at his burnt at 4 a today after aa illnef of three days He lived in the Buddies MU1 eeetloa of Bowbon County Brakke hi parents surwiing are hit paternal grandfather Har-rim 'Hunt maternal grandparent! Mr and Mre Cedi Flymen two brother Liny Wayne end William Hunt Funeral services wiU bs conducted at 10 a (CDT) Monday at tor Matheru-Shearer Chapel tqr the Rev Gwinu Bieriey Burial will be in Carlisle Cemetery The bodv to at the funeral home Pullbearers will be Wayne Hunt Billy Fryman Charles Hunt and Mike Minion Mre Delia Mlntaa CARLISLE April 8 Mre DeUa Minton Parsons 8 widow of James Parsons died at the Johoaon Nursing Home at I a today after long Ulara She waa a member of toe Carlisle Itathodirt Church Surviving are a daughter Mre Kwineheart Boototwn OMo two brothers James Mln-tou Myers Walter Miatoo Lees be of help when you need it most Our professionally trained staff and our complete funeral establishment is available at any hour of need find no finer service-end it cottt no mort Whitehall FUNERAL CHAPEL THIRD AND NORTH LIMESTONE STS 1 1 I NOTON KENTUCKY Two Convenient Locations lLujoaoL FUNERAL SERVICE 159 Ha Broadway 1 391 Southland Dr Dill 21232 Dill 7-1181 NtogrfggMte ES A Mi i 1 i I )'l I.

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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.