Fluster Cluck Os4 (2025)

1. FLUSTER CLUCK™ - PlayStation Store

  • Word eigenaar van de Koop Haal de Ufos van je vrienden neer met pistolen, raketten, mijnen en ander geschut. Luister niet naar hun gejammer en sleep ze naar ...

  • Word eigenaar van de Koop Haal de Ufos van je vrienden neer met pistolen, raketten, mijnen en ander geschut. Luister niet naar hun gejammer en sleep ze naar de Verkipper. Scheld de rondvliegende kippen hardop uit, want zij kunnen de FLUSTER CLUCK MASTER niet dempen. Verdien grotere geweren, snellere schepen, gekkere hoeden Verlos je vrienden van de val in de Verkipper door ze direct te verkippen met een MegaField en lach jezelf naar de bedrijfstopbrbr• Eén speler of 2-4 spelers met gedeeld schermbr• 5 spelmodussen Campagne met Co-Op, battle, deathmatch, teambattle en teamdeathmatchbr• 6 personagesbr• 18 schepenbr• 33 hoedenbr• 9 wapensbr• 12 power-upsbr• 4 in-game modifiersbr• 10 fantastische, unieke kaartenbr• 3 AI moeilijkheidsgradenbr• 3 afvuurmodificatorsbr• 3 klassen met 50 niveaus - inclusief assistent-regiomanagerbr• True 64 bit Blue Sky 3D-graphicsbr• 1 geheim menubrbr1-4 spelersbrMinimaal 557MBbrDUALSHOCK®4 Vibratie FunctiebrOndersteuning Voor Remote-PlaybrPAL HD 720p,1080i,1080pbrbrDe download is onderhevig aan de servicevoorwaardengebruikersovereenkomst van Sony Entertainment Network en alle andere specifieke, aanvullende bepalingen die op dit product van toepassing zijn. Download dit product niet als je niet met deze voorwaarden akkoord gaat. Raadpleeg de servicevoorwaarden voor meer belangrijke informatie.br Eenmalige licentievergoeding om naar meerdere PS4™-systemen te downloaden. Voor uw primaire PS4™ is aanmelden bij PSN niet vereist om dit te gebruiken, maar...

2. FLUSTER CLUCK™ - PlayStation® Store

  • FLUSTER CLUCK may look and sound kiddy, but it's a wolf in sheep's clothing. Because the truth is that FLUSTER CLUCK might be way too hard.

  • Listen you CANT beat this game. WE cant beat this game. Dial the AI up to maximum and prepare to cry like a little girl.brbrYou think this is some little cartoony romp for kids. Nope. FLUSTER CLUCK may look and sound kiddy, but its a wolf in sheeps clothing. Because the truth is that FLUSTER CLUCK might be way too hard. For you. For us. For everyone.brbrYou want quick and easy progression with cool cutscenes Sorry, you get none.brbrYou want onscreen tips, tricks and hints Oops, we forgot to put that stuff in.brbrYou want a nice, forgiving game full of pretty pictures Something that fills you with a sense of false accomplishment, like when you got that soccer trophy for doing nothing Go play something else, Poser BoybrbrYou want an ACTUAL challenge Try FLUSTER CLUCK. And if you somehow manage to complete this game, contact us.brbrVideo output in Full HD 1080p requires 1080p native display.brbrAdditional hardware required for Remote Play.brbr2-4 playersbr1GB minimum save sizebrDUALSHOCK®4brRemote Playbr1080p HD Video Outputbrbr Software subject to license us.playstation.comsoftwarelicense.  Online activity subject to Terms of Services and User Agreement www.sonyenteretainmentnetwork.comterms-of-service. One-time license fee for play on account’s designated primary PS4™ system and other PS4™ systems when signed in with that account.brbrFLUSTER CLUCK™ ©2014 LOOT™ Entertainment.

3. Fluster Cluck Reviews - Metacritic

  • Fluster Cluck is a cartoony, pick-up-and-play twin-stick shooter with resource gathering elements. It has no blood, no gore, no grizzled mercenaries, ...

  • Fluster Cluck is a cartoony, pick-up-and-play twin-stick shooter with resource gathering elements. It has no blood, no gore, no grizzled mercenaries, no princesses who need to be saved, no softcore anime cutscenes, no dialogue trees, and no moral dilemmas. It just has chikkin. Lots and lots of chikkin. [Playstation.com]

4. Fluster Cluck (PS4) Review - ZTGD

Fluster Cluck (PS4) Review - ZTGD

5. Fluster Cluck Review (PS4) - Push Square

  • 3 nov 2014 · Er, Fluster Cluck – a four-player competitive twin-stick shooter. The question is: is this release from Loot Entertainment more appealing than ...

  • Cluck up

Fluster Cluck Review (PS4) - Push Square

6. Fluster Cluck PS4 Review - CGMagazine

  • 31 okt 2014 · Although it does have a handful of interesting textures, Fluster Cluck looks horribly dated, like an Ape Escape game given the HD treatment ...

  • Although it does have a handful of interesting textures, Fluster Cluck looks horribly dated, like an Ape Escape game given the HD treatment on a modern console.

Fluster Cluck PS4 Review - CGMagazine

7. Fluster Cluck review for PS4 - Gaming Age

  • Fluster Cluck review for PS4. Platform: PS4 Publisher: LOOT Entertainment Developer: LOOT Entertainment Medium: Digital Players: 1-4. Online: No

  • The great thing about very low expectations is that it's really easy to exceed them.

Fluster Cluck review for PS4 - Gaming Age

8. FLUSTER CLUCK [PS4] - Game Propaganda

  • Shout taunts at full volume as the chikkins fly, for they cannot mute the FLUSTER CLUCK MASTER! Earn bigger guns, faster ships, crazier hats! Offer your friends ...

  • Own the Koop! Use blasters, missiles, turrets, mines to take down your friends’ UFOs. Drag them to the Chikkinizer while you ignore their whining. Shout taunts at full volume as the chikkins fly, for they cannot mute the FLUSTER CLUCK MASTER! Earn bigger guns, faster ships, crazier hats! Offer your friends relief from dropping them […]

FLUSTER CLUCK [PS4] - Game Propaganda

9. Fluster Cluck Review (PS4) - TheSixthAxis

  • Fluster Cluck Review (PS4). Origami Killer 17/11/14 7 Comments. Only a few weeks ago was I writing about how not to make a local multiplayer game after my ...

  • More of a cluster f**k.

Fluster Cluck Review (PS4) - TheSixthAxis

10. Fluster Cluck Review - What a Cluster F@#% (PS4) - PlayStation LifeStyle

  • Fluster Cluck Review – What a Cluster F@#% (PS4). October 23, 2014. By Chandler Wood. Are you hyper-obsessed with chickens — or in the case of Fluster Cluck ...

  • Fluster Cluck review (PSLS): Fluster Cluck has a hilarious name, but does it have anything else going for it?

Fluster Cluck Review - What a Cluster F@#% (PS4) - PlayStation LifeStyle

11. PS4 Review - 'Fluster Cluck' - Worthplaying

  • 7 jan 2015 · Fluster Cluck is a frenetic dual-stick shooter with a cartoony art style. The fast-paced four-player battles are pandemonium.

  • Fluster Cluck is a frenetic dual-stick shooter with a cartoony art style. The fast-paced four-player battles are pandemonium. In single-player mode, players select one of six different employees and help him or her ascend the ranks by "chikkinizing" everything.

PS4 Review - 'Fluster Cluck' - Worthplaying

12. Review: Fluster Cluck (PS4) - Press Start Australia

  • 22 okt 2014 · This video covers everything this game has got, humor, action, honesty and CHIKKINS! Fluster Cluck doesn't take itself too seriously, just sit ...

  • Review: Fluster Cluck (PS4)

Review: Fluster Cluck (PS4) - Press Start Australia

13. Fluster Cluck verschijnt deze zomer voor PS4 - 4Gamers

  • 8 jun 2014 · Sony en LOOT Entertainment hebben de komst van Fluster Cluck aangekondigd. Het spel zal deze zomer beschikbaar zijn als downloadbare game ...

  • Sony en LOOT Entertainment hebben de komst van Fluster Cluck aangekondigd. Het spel zal deze zomer beschikbaar zijn als downloadbare game voor de PS4 en draaien rond Pimento en Cornichon, twee la...

Fluster Cluck verschijnt deze zomer voor PS4 - 4Gamers

14. Fluster Cluck PS4 Release Date Announced - IGN

  • 1 okt 2014 · LOOT Entertainment's couch co-op game Fluster Cluck is coming to PlayStation 4 on October 21. The twin-stick shooter puts players in the ...

  • The chicken-themed PlayStation 4 exclusive will have a strong emphasis on local multiplayer.

Fluster Cluck PS4 Release Date Announced - IGN

15. Fluster Cluck Review - Gaming Nexus

  • Fluster Cluck. Written by Nathaniel Cohen on 10/21/2014 for PS4. More On: Fluster Cluck ... Fluster Cluck is all about couch co-op, to the point where its singleplayer campaign should really be written in ...

  • Go to GamingNexus.com for news and reviews on video games, consoles, and PCs.

Fluster Cluck Os4 (2025)
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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Views: 6390

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (78 voted)

Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.