Robert Blake, actor absuelto en el asesinato de la esposa, muere a los 89 años (2024)

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LOS ÁNGELES (AP)-Robert Blake, el artista ganador del premio Emmy que pasó de aclamación por su actuación a la notoriedad cuando fue juzgado y absuelto en el asesinato de su esposa, murió el jueves a los 89 años.

Una declaración emitida en nombre de su sobrina, Noreen Austin, dijo que Blake murió por enfermedad cardíaca, rodeada de familia en casa en Los Ángeles.


Blake, estrella del programa de televisión de la década de 1970, "Baretta", había esperado una vez un regreso, pero nunca se recuperó de la larga prueba que comenzó con la muerte a tiros de su esposa, Bonny Lee Bakley, afuera de un restaurante de estudio el 4 de mayo, 2001. La historia de su extraño matrimonio, el niño que produjo y su final violento fue una tragedia de Hollywood en la corte.

Una vez aclamado como entre los mejores actores de su generación, Blake se hizo mejor conocido como acusado en un juicio por asesinato en la vida real, una historia más extraña que cualquiera en la que actuó.

En una entrevista de 2002 con The Associated Press mientras fue encarcelado en espera de juicio, lamentó el cambio en su condición de sus fanáticos en todo el país: "Dolía porque Estados Unidos es la única familia que tuve".

Estaba convencido de que no había matado a su esposa y un jurado finalmente lo absolvió.Pero un jurado civil lo encontraría responsable de su muerte y le ordenaría que le pague a la familia de Bakley $ 30 millones, un juicio que lo envió en bancarrota.


Fue un final ignominioso para una vida vivida en el centro de atención desde la infancia.Cuando era joven, protagonizó las comedias de "Our Gang" y actuó en un clásico de películas, "The Treasure of the Sierra Madre".Como adulto, fue elogiado por su interpretación del asesino de la vida real Perry Smith en la película de "In Cold Blood" de Truman Capote.

Su carrera alcanzó su punto máximo con la serie de policías de televisión de 1975-78, "Baretta".Protagonizó como un detective que llevaba una cacatúa de mascota en su hombro y le gustaba los disfraces.Era típico de su especialidad, retratando a los tipos duros con corazones suaves, y su línea de firma: "No hagas el crimen si no puedes hacer el tiempo", a menudo se cita.

Blake ganó un Emmy de 1975 por su interpretación de Tony Baretta, aunque detrás de escena el espectáculo fue atacado por disputas que involucraban a la estrella temperamental.Se ganó una reputación como uno de los mejores actores de Hollywood, pero uno de los más difíciles de trabajar.

En 1993, Blake ganó a otro Emmy como el personaje principal en "Judgment Day: The John List Story", que retrata a un hombre de voz suave y de voz suave que asesinó a su esposa y tres hijos.

Su saga personal fue tan dramática como cualquiera de los personajes que retrató y luego admitió tener sus propias luchas con el alcohol y la adicción a las drogas en sus primeros años de vida.


Nació Michael James Gubitosi el 18 de septiembre de 1933 en Nutley, Nueva Jersey.Su padre, un inmigrante italiano y su madre, una americana italiana, querían que sus tres hijos tuvieran éxito en el espectáculo.A los 2 años, Blake estaba actuando con un hermano y una hermana en un acto de vodevil familiar llamado "Los tres pequeños hillbillies".

Cuando sus padres trasladaron a la familia a Los Ángeles, su madre encontró trabajo para los niños como extras de películas y Little Mickey Gubitosi fue arrancado de la multitud por productores que lo arrojaron en las comedias de "nuestra pandilla".Apareció en la serie durante cinco años y cambió su nombre a Bobby Blake.

Luego trabajó con Hollywood Legends, interpretando al joven John Garfield en "Humoresque" en 1946 y el niño que vende a Humphrey Bogart un boleto de lotería crucial en "El tesoro de la Sierra Madre".

En la edad adulta, consiguió serios papeles de películas.El mayor avance fue en 1967 con "In Cold Blood".Más tarde hubo películas que incluyen "Diles Willie Boy Is aquí" y "Electra Glide in Blue".

En 1961, Blake y la actriz Sondra Kerr se casaron y tuvieron dos hijos, Noah y Delinah.Se divorciaron en 1983.


Su fatídica reunión con Bakley llegó en 1999 en un club de jazz donde fue a escapar de la soledad.

“Aquí estaba, de 67 o 68 años.Mi vida estaba en espera.Mi carrera se estancó ”, dijo en la entrevista AP."Había estado solo por mucho tiempo".

Dijo que no tenía ninguna razón para no gustarle a Bakley: “Ella me sacó de las gradas y me volvió a poner en la arena.Tenía algo por lo que vivir ".

Cuando Bakley dio a luz a una niña, llamó a Christian Brando, hijo de Marlon, como el padre.Pero las pruebas de ADN señalaron a Blake.

Blake vio por primera vez a la niña, llamada Rosie, cuando tenía dos meses y se convirtió en el foco de su vida.Se casó con Bakley por el niño.

“Rosie es mi sangre.Rosie me está llamando ”, dijo."No tengo dudas de que Rosie y yo vamos a caminar juntos hacia la puesta de sol".


Los fiscales afirmarían que planeaba matar a Bakley para obtener la custodia exclusiva del bebé e intentaron contratar a los éxitoes para el trabajo.Pero la evidencia fue confundida y un jurado rechazó esa teoría.

En su anoche vivo, Blake y su esposa de 44 años cenaron en un restaurante del vecindario, Vitello's.Afirmó que le dispararon cuando la dejó en el auto y regresó al restaurante para recuperar una pistola que inadvertidamente había dejado atrás.Inicialmente, la policía fue desconcertada y Blake no fue arrestado hasta un año después de que ocurrió el crimen.

Una vez que era un hombre rico, pasó millones en su defensa y terminó viviendo en el Seguro Social y una pensión en el gremio de un actor de pantalla.

En una entrevista de 2006 con el AP un año después de su absolución, Blake dijo que esperaba reiniciar su carrera.

"Me gustaría dar mi mejor desempeño", dijo."Me gustaría dejar un legado para Rosie sobre quién soy.Todavía no estoy listo para un perro y un poste de pesca.Me gustaría irme a la cama cada noche desesperada por despertar cada mañana y crear algo de magia ".



Deutsch, el escritor principal de este obituario, se retiró de Associated Press en 2014.

Antes de que te vayas

\"Lizzie Borden took an axe And gave her mother forty whacks. And when she saw what she had done, She gave her father forty-one.\" So goes the lurid nursery rhyme to one of the most mystifying crimes ever. The nature of the deaths of Andrew J. Borden and his wife, Abby, are trumped only by the identity of the alleged perpetrator: their daughter Lizzie. Inexplicably found \"not guilty\" in contrast to the era's more usual swift justice, Lizzie's legacy was to be immortalized as one of the most perplexing cases of parricide in history.","source":"","title":"\"I Am Not Guilty - Thus Lizzie Borden Pleads Before Judge Hammond at New Bedford.\" ― Boston Journal","type":"image","summary":"","badge":"","cta":[],"meta":null,"credit":"WikiMedia: Wikilug","creditUrl":"","authorship":{"author":{"id":"000000000000000000000000","bio":{},"urls":{},"urlName":{"text":"","transliterated":""}}},"social":{},"orientation":"horizontal","thumbnail":{"url":{"fileName":"559e0f0a1700002500325e32.jpeg","type":"hectorUrl"},"caption":"\"Lizzie Borden took an axe\nAnd gave her mother forty whacks.\nAnd when she saw what she had done,\nShe gave her father forty-one.\"\n\nSo goes the lurid nursery rhyme to one of the most mystifying crimes of the century. The nature of the deaths of Andrew J. Borden and his wife, Abby, are trumped only by the identity of the alleged perpetrator: their daughter, Lizzie. \nInexplicably found \"not guilty\" in contrast to the era's zeitgeist of swift justice, Lizzie's legacy--guilty or not--has become immortalized as one of the most perplexing cases of parricide in history.\n","credit":"WikiMedia: Wikilug","height":480,"width":660,"ops":""},"textWrap":"noWrap","imagePositionInUnit":null,"imagePositionInSubUnit":null,"authors":[],"isLiveblogSlide":false},"provider":null},{"embedData":{"type":"hector","url":"","queryParams":{},"width":550,"height":400,"credit":"Getty Images"},"type":"image","common":{"id":"559e0f0ae4b01c2162a5e3ad","caption":"In a case of mother-gone-mad that startled a nation, Andrea Yates appeared to her few friends and family to be a recluse suffering from postpartum depression leading up to the birth of her fifth child. That all changed on June 20, 2001, when she drowned five of her children in their home's bathtub. She was convicted in 2002 of capital murder, carrying a sentence of life in prison with possible parole. In a 2006 retrial, however, a Texas jury found her not guilty by reason of insanity. She was committed to a mental health facility.","source":"","title":"\"Texas Mother Charged with Killing Her 5 Children\" ― CNN","type":"image","summary":"","badge":"","cta":[],"meta":null,"credit":"Getty Images","creditUrl":"","authorship":{"author":{"id":"000000000000000000000000","bio":{},"urls":{},"urlName":{"text":"","transliterated":""}}},"social":{},"orientation":"horizontal","thumbnail":{"url":{"fileName":"559e0f0a1b00002e0027f4f2.jpeg","type":"hectorUrl"},"caption":"In a case of mother-gone-mad that startled a nation, Andrea Yates, to her few friends and neighbors, was known as a mere recluse suffering from postpartum depression leading up to the birth of her fifth child.\nThat all changed on June 20, 2001, when she snapped, drowning five of her children in their home's bathtub. \nShe was convicted in 2002 of capital murder, carrying a sentence of life in prison with possible parole. As of July 2006, however, a Texas jury found her not guilty by reason of insanity.","credit":"Getty Images","height":400,"width":550,"ops":""},"textWrap":"noWrap","imagePositionInUnit":null,"imagePositionInSubUnit":null,"authors":[],"isLiveblogSlide":false},"provider":null},{"embedData":{"type":"hector","url":"","queryParams":{},"width":550,"height":400,"credit":"Getty Images"},"type":"image","common":{"id":"559e0f0ae4b01c2162a5e3af","caption":"Known as the \"Long Island Lolita,\" Amy Fisher became involved with Joey Buttafuoco in May 1991. Shortly after the two began a sexual relationship (she was 16, while he was 35 and married with two children), his presence and influence in her life became all she cared for. Although he's since denied this, Buttafuoco would go on to help Fisher plan the murder of his wife, culminating in Fisher putting a bullet in Mary Jo Buttafuoco's head, but failing to kill her. In the highly publicized trial that ensued, Fisher accepted a plea deal for 15 years in prison in exchange for a testimony against Joey, who served out charges of statutory rape.","source":"","title":"\"Buttafuoco Admits to Sex with Amy Fisher\" ― New York Times","type":"image","summary":"","badge":"","cta":[],"meta":null,"credit":"Getty Images","creditUrl":"","authorship":{"author":{"id":"000000000000000000000000","bio":{},"urls":{},"urlName":{"text":"","transliterated":""}}},"social":{},"orientation":"horizontal","thumbnail":{"url":{"fileName":"559e0f0a14000049019a7309.jpeg","type":"hectorUrl"},"caption":"Known as the \"Long Island Lolita,\" Fisher became involved with Joey Buttafuoco in May of 1991. Shortly after the two began a sexual relationship (she, 16, while he, 35, was married with two children), his presence and influence in her life became all she cared for.\nIn what he's since denied to this day, Buttafuoco would go on to help an obsessive Fisher plan the murder of his wife, culminating in Fisher putting a bullet in Mary Jo Buttafuoco's head, but failing to kill her.\nIn the highly publicized trial that ensued, Fisher accepted a plea deal for 15 years in prison in exchange for a testimony against Joey, who faced and served out charges of statutory rape.\n","credit":"Getty Images","height":400,"width":550,"ops":""},"textWrap":"noWrap","imagePositionInUnit":null,"imagePositionInSubUnit":null,"authors":[],"isLiveblogSlide":false},"provider":null},{"embedData":{"type":"hector","url":"","queryParams":{},"width":688,"height":500,"credit":""},"type":"image","common":{"id":"559e0f0ae4b01c2162a5e3b2","caption":"With her face gracing the covers of nearly every news and gossip rag during the winter of 1996, it's hard to suggest that the death of child beauty pageant queen JonBenét Ramsey had little effect outside the city of Boulder, Colorado. She was found dead from a blow to the head and strangulation in the family's basem*nt. There was a ransom note left on the staircase asking for $118,000 (conveniently or coincidentally, nearly the same amount Mr. Ramsey received as a bonus that year) and no obvious signs of forced entry into the house. The evidence appeared to be stacked against parents John and Patsy, who maintained their innocence throughout the investigation. The case reopened in 2010, but critics cite poor handling of the crime scene as why the mystery of the events of that Christmas day continues.","source":"","title":"\"Murder of a Little Beauty\" ― People Magazine","type":"image","summary":"","badge":"","cta":[],"meta":null,"credit":"","creditUrl":"","authorship":{"author":{"id":"000000000000000000000000","bio":{},"urls":{},"urlName":{"text":"","transliterated":""}}},"social":{},"orientation":"horizontal","thumbnail":{"url":{"fileName":"559e0f0a1700000a01325e33.jpeg","type":"hectorUrl"},"caption":"With a face that graced the covers of nearly every news and gossip rag during the winter of '96, it's hard to suggest the death of child beauty pageant queen JonBenét Ramsey had little effect outside the city of Boulder, Colorado. \nFound dead from a blow to the head and strangulation in the family's basem*nt, coupled with a ransom note left on the staircase asking for $118,000 (conveniently or coincidentally, nearly the same amount Mr. Ramsey received as a bonus that year), as well as no obvious signs of forced entry into the house, the evidence was overwhelmingly stacked against parents John and Patsy, who managed to maintain their innocence throughout the investigation.\nThe case reopened in 2010, but critics cite poor handling of the crime scene as obstructing what remains a mystery regarding the events of that Christmas day.\n","credit":"","height":500,"width":688,"ops":""},"textWrap":"noWrap","imagePositionInUnit":null,"imagePositionInSubUnit":null,"authors":[],"isLiveblogSlide":false},"provider":null},{"embedData":{"type":"hector","url":"","queryParams":{},"width":688,"height":500,"credit":""},"type":"image","common":{"id":"559e0f0be4b01c2162a5e3b3","caption":"Tattooed with \"Born to Raise Hell\" on his arm, Richard Speck made good on his mantra through a history of violence, theft, alcoholism and spousal abuse. He achieved infamy when, on July 13, 1966, he walked into a dormitory armed with a knife and left eight student nurses dead in his wake. Only one, Cora Amurao, was spared, hiding under a bed until 6 a.m. Speck was found guilty of murder and died of a heart attack in prison. As one of the most press-worthy crimes of the decade, the grim events were used as the backdrop for an episode of \"Mad Men.\"","source":"","title":"\"F.B.I. Joins Probe in Slaughter of 8 Nurses\" ― Nashua Telegraph","type":"image","summary":"","badge":"","cta":[],"meta":null,"credit":"","creditUrl":"","authorship":{"author":{"id":"000000000000000000000000","bio":{},"urls":{},"urlName":{"text":"","transliterated":""}}},"social":{},"orientation":"horizontal","thumbnail":{"url":{"fileName":"559e0f0a14000049019a730a.jpeg","type":"hectorUrl"},"caption":"Tattooed with \"Born to Raise Hell\" on his arm, Richard Speck made good on his mantra through a history of violence, theft, alcoholism, and spousal abuse, but made his infamy known to all when, on July 13, 1966, he walked into a dormitory armed with a knife.\nAfter leaving 8 student nurses dead in his wake, only one, Cora Amurao, was spared--hiding under a bed until 6 a.m.\nSpeck was found guilty of murder and died of a heart attack in prison. As one of the most press-worthy crimes of the decade, the grim events were used most recently as the backdrop for an episode of Mad Men.","credit":"","height":500,"width":688,"ops":""},"textWrap":"noWrap","imagePositionInUnit":null,"imagePositionInSubUnit":null,"authors":[],"isLiveblogSlide":false},"provider":null},{"embedData":{"type":"hector","url":"","queryParams":{},"width":3223,"height":2344,"credit":"AP Images"},"type":"image","common":{"id":"559e0f0de4b01c2162a5e3b6","caption":"Perhaps the most terrifying figure in American crime to have never actually killed anyone himself, Charles Manson founded a \"family\" of wayward individuals who hailed him as a prophet. So strong was his manipulation that on the night of Aug. 8, 1969, he ordered four of his followers to kill everyone at the residence of 10050 Cielo Drive ― including movie director Roman Polanski's wife, Sharon Tate, and her unborn child. Tate was stabbed 16 times, and her blood was used to write \"pig\" on the house's front door. The next night, Manson accompanied six of his family to the residence of supermarket executive Leno LaBianca and his wife, helping to bind them before ordering their deaths. In 1971, Manson and three of his fellow defendants were found guilty of murder in the first degree and several other crimes. At the time, it was the longest murder trial in American history, spanning nine and a half months, as well as the most expensive, estimating $1 million. Manson died in prison in 2017 at age 83.","source":"","title":"\"Sharon Tate, Four Others Murdered\" ― Los Angeles Times","type":"image","summary":"","badge":"","cta":[],"meta":null,"credit":"AP Images","creditUrl":"","authorship":{"author":{"id":"000000000000000000000000","bio":{},"urls":{},"urlName":{"text":"","transliterated":""}}},"social":{},"orientation":"horizontal","thumbnail":{"url":{"fileName":"559e0f0d1400004f009a730b.jpeg","type":"hectorUrl"},"caption":"Perhaps the most terrifying figure in American crime to have never actually killed anyone himself, Charles Manson founded a \"family\" of wayward individuals who hailed him as a prophet.\nSo strong was his manipulation, he ordered, on the night of Aug. 8, 1969, four of his followers to kill everyone at the residence of 10050 Cielo Drive--including Roman Polanski's wife, Sharon Tate, and her unborn child. Tate was stabbed 16 times, and her blood was used to write \"pig\" on the house's front door.\nThe next night, Manson accompanied six of his family to the residence of supermarket executive Leno LaBianca and his wife, only to help bind them before ordering their deaths.\nIn 1971, Manson and three of his fellow defendants were found guilty of murder in the first-degree and several other crimes. At the time, it was the longest murder trial in American history, spanning nine and a half months, as well as the most expensive, estimating $1 million.\nManson was denied parole for the 12th time in April 2012.\n","credit":"AP Images","height":2344,"width":3223,"ops":""},"textWrap":"noWrap","imagePositionInUnit":null,"imagePositionInSubUnit":null,"authors":[],"isLiveblogSlide":false},"provider":null},{"embedData":{"type":"hector","url":"","queryParams":{},"width":550,"height":400,"credit":"Getty Images"},"type":"image","common":{"id":"559e0f0ae4b01c2162a5e3b1","caption":"Used as the basis for an Agatha Christie novel (Murder on the Orient Express) and dubbed \"the biggest story since the Resurrection\" by famed journalist H.L. Mencken, the kidnapping and murder of aviator Charles Lindbergh's infant son continues to fascinate theorists today. Charles Jr. was discovered missing from his second-floor bedroom on March 1, 1932, along with a note demanding a then-unimaginable $50,000, igniting a media frenzy like no other. The tabloid pandemonium prompted many tips and leads, but none as concrete as a package containing the boy's pajamas and another message demanding the ransom. After some misdirection from the presumed kidnapper, Lindbergh's child was discovered in the woods along a road near the family residence. 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Mencken, the kidnapping and murder of aviator Charles Lindbergh's infant son continues to fascinate theorists today.\nCharles Jr. was discovered missing from his second-floor bedroom on March 1, 1932, along with a note demanding a then-unimaginable $50,000, igniting a media frenzy like no other. The tabloid pandemonium prompted many tips and leads, but none as concrete as a package containing the boy's pajamas and another message demanding the ransom. \nAfter some misdirection from the presumed kidnapper, Lindbergh's child was soon after discovered in the woods along a road near the family residence.\nNotwithstanding the evidence stockpiled against the easily vilified illegal German immigrant Bruno Hauptmann (who was sentenced), speculation prevails as to the true identity of the caper responsible in this tragic tale of one of America's greatest heroes.\n","credit":"Getty Images","height":400,"width":550,"ops":""},"textWrap":"noWrap","imagePositionInUnit":null,"imagePositionInSubUnit":null,"authors":[],"isLiveblogSlide":false},"provider":null},{"embedData":{"type":"hector","url":"","queryParams":{},"width":3456,"height":2513,"credit":"Associated Press"},"type":"image","common":{"id":"559e0f0ce4b01c2162a5e3b5","caption":"Still fresh in the minds of many and not to be easily forgotten, the trial of Casey Anthony turned Orlando, Florida, into anything but the \"happiest place on earth.\" Following a series of lies, misdirection and manipulation by then-22-year-old Casey, her daughter Caylee's skeletal remains were found five months into the investigation, setting the stage for what could only be described as the most incessantly publicized and shocking trial in recent memory. The media had a field day that went on for months, highlighting the young, pretty party-girl image used against Casey Anthony in court as the prosecution tore apart an aimless defense ― or so it seemed. 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Author: Terrell Hackett

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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

Phone: +21811810803470

Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.