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HANCOCK -FOR NEWS WANT ADS DIAL 6441 -THE BANGOR DAILY NEWS BANGOR MAINE TUESDAY JUNE 6 day at th- Sherman funeral Former Town Clprk home RodKk street with the Rev 4 UUIIU XUI1 VierK OBITUARIES Status Of Private Planes Wishing To Use Dow Slated For Discussion 17 Escape Fire In Mine Shaft COPPER CANYON Nev June 5 Pope Consecrates Altar In Vatican Grottos Site Of St Grave By FRANK BURTTO VATICAN CITY June 5 Pope PM us XII descended deep In the Vatican grottos today to consecrate an altar over what he believes to be the final resting place of the first Pope Saint Peter Ralph Hayden rector of St Saviour Episcopal church officiating Bearers were Fred Jellison Fred Gonya Chandler Haraden and Charles Tobin Burial was in Mt Hope cemetery Bangor The status of private planes In AP Fire at the top of one shaft connection with their use cf Dow FRANK PRESCOTT Funeral services for Frank Prescott 39 formerly of Bangor and Island Falls who died In Portland Saturday will be held at the Harlow-Libby Funeral home 5 Williams street Portland today at 2:30 pm He attended the Bangor yhools and Maine Central Irtitute Pittsfield and for a' number of vears was employed by' the Dole company Bangor He was a veteran of World War Two and a At Camden Succumbs CAMDEN June -John Thomas Smyth 77 died today in a Camden hospital He was bom in Bangor June 5 1873 son cf John and Mary (Cilr tisi Smyth He was employed by the Curtis Hardware company 50 years and was manager 32 years retirmg two years ago He was formerly a selectman of Camden sin years and town clerk nine years He was a member of Amity Masonic lodge He is survived by h9 widow Mrs Isabella (Newbert) -Smyth Funeral services will be held at 2 Wednesday at the Gilbert Laite Funeral home the Rev Melvin Dorr officiating Interment will be in Oakhill cemetery Honorary bearers will be Ralph Johnson Everett Redman Alton French and Adrian Kellrher Active bearers will be Masons LEMONT HUFF HARTLAND June Lemont Huff 72 died Sunday night in a local hospital following a long period of failing health He was born in Hartland March 15 1878 son of the late Alonzo and Betsy Estes Huff He spent his entire life in Hartland where he was a carpenter mason and ever Alley said The more was made upon the advice of City Solicitor Benjamin Blanchard accenting to Alley who said the city wants to avoid any liability that mlxht grow out of accidents Negotiations for the establishment of a control tower at th field are being held up pending disclosure of results of a recent CAA traffic survey in this area Other activities scheduled far the meeting of the aeronautical group tonight include a showing of filmstrips relating to traffic control and the various phases of air-way communications Also scheduled to he shown Flying Fisherman and Flying -an Eastern Airlines film recently made available Other CAA official beside Field ts expected to come up for discussion tonight at a meeting of the Eastern Maine Aero Association at the Pilot's Grill at 7 Mitchell Minlch chief of the control tower at the Portland airport will give a talk on airport traffic control but the status of private planes at Dow Is expected to be brought up as a result of recent developments Acting City Manager Jay Aliev announced yesterday that the Civil Aeronautics Administration at the request of the city has Issued a warning that private planes should not use Dow until and If a control lower should be established there The CAA ha asked that traffic at the base be confined to militant and commercial airline PRIVATE CEREMONY The solemn private ceremony took place after long years of excavations Fallowing the consecration the Pope celebrated the first Mass at the 'shrine whose stone Includes slabs from the ottglnSl basilica built by the Emperor Constantine in 337 Then he descended with architects and archeologist to the lower levpl where Saint Peter is believed to have been buried There the Pope knelt in prayer The burial place of the apostle the Pope said on January 30 1949 and was under the cupola of Saint Peter's church" Since then there have been reports of more specific findings during the excavations but there has been no Vatican confirmation of them The grottos are divided Into three naves supported by massive columns They are illuminated by soft lights from niches in the ancient walls The central altar is dominated by a statue of Christ holding a scepter Deep in the grottos Is a marble statue of Saint Peter similar to the bronze statue in the basilica whose toe ha been worn smooth by the kisses of millions during the centuries Hundreds of Holy Yesr pilgrims prayed on the marble floors at the head of the ancient crypts today unaware of the private consecration below The Pontiff and a small group of prelates and Vatican officials entered the grottos from a new doorway member of the Masonic lodge besides his wife Lou- farmer i-e Armstrong Prescott are several Surviving are his bother cousins 1 Arthur of Waterville and several Interment will be in the Fl- cousins mouth cemeterj- Funeral services will be held Wpdncsdav at 10 a at the Shorev funeral home in Hartland I Burial -will be in the family lot at the Pine Grove cemetery Hartland forced 17 miner to come to the surface through another ahaft at the Copper Canyon Mining Co today Mine Engineer Tom Cahill said the men were underground when fire broke out at the collar of the Colorado shaft They were unable to come up the Colorado shaft because of thick smoke The fire destroyed the surface Installation including framework at the top of the shaft and part of the crushing plant Its cause was not determined Damage was estimated Copper Canyon I about 18 miles south of Battle mountain In norm central Nevada Cahill said the miners made Iheir way through an emergency exit an underground tunnel to an aban- broken leg and a bad scalp laceration He was treated at the scene by Dr William Gifford and later taken to the Bangor Osteopathic hospital His name was not on the danger list The car was driven by Stanley Gunn Jr 24 of 30 March street Bangor state police said The accident took place on Route 222 jut outside Levant village at 4:30 No criminal action will be taken craft There is no law against use I Mtnich as well a state officials are of the field by private planes how -1 expected to attend casts of 8570 Shirley Brooks East Connth paid a fine of $10 and costa of 8470 on a speeding charge doned shaft One miner suffered slight injuries hen he got In a hurry and tripped and skinned his nose or something" said CahfiL MRS MILLIE BROOKS -GARDINER June After several months illness Mrs Millie Brooks a former resident of Easton Aroostook county who was bom 81 vears ago at West Point Prince Edward Island died in her High- land avenue home early- this morning- Funeral services will be conducted Wednesday at 2 in the Amsbury antf White parlors of Gardiner with the Rev Royal Brown minister the Highland Avenue Methodist church officiating Burial will be In the family ERNEST BODWELL SOUTH LINCOLN June 5 Ernest Bodwell 76 died Saturday at his home here There are no known survivors Funeral services will be conducted Wednesday at 2 at the Bar-kin funeral home In Lincoln The Rev Warren Palmer of the Congregational church will officiate Burial will be in South Lincoln cemetery- Tiny Infant Succumbs At Dexter Hospital DEXTER June 5 The tiny son weighing- only one pound and 15 ounces which was born four days ago and Mrs Harold Payne qtthis towrn died yesterday at a local hospital The premature baby was placed in an Incubator following its birth and for the flist two days seemed to be holding its own but finally succumbed on the third day The Paynes have another son about a year and a half old History Shows No Senator Ever Ousted By Impeachment Action By ARTHUR ED SON WASHINGTON June 5 CAP) Once a senator Is seated he'll stay a senator until his term is up or he quits or he dies That's almost a certainty Assault Battery Charge Against Hampden Man Filed A charge against Charles French Jr of Hampden of assault and battery upon his wife Geral- lot at the Hallowell cemetery Bearers will be four nephews Ed- CLARENCE MOR round Linvood Hanford and THOMASTON June Vtord has Lome Ladner all of Gardiner I received here of the drowning Mrs Brooks a former resident I Clarence Howard Morse 28 Sat-ef Hallowell and Augusta was the urday in Corpus Christi Texas -widow of Benjamin Brooks who He is the son of Edgar and Flora 1 1 site iTita3 1 a congressman So wa hi son Rimnt according to State Trooper Guy i dine was filed yesterday in Bangor Blount himself was a member svf imesttgfed municipal court on payment of Continental Congress snd of Pembroke Captain Dies At Searsport SEARS PORT June The captain of a collier docked at this port died today of a bullet wound which authorities said was selt-inffieted Dr John A Caswell of Belfast Waldo county medical examiner said that the victim was Vivian Lambert of Pembroke The body was discovered by Glen Hawes first mate of the collier the Ber-windzale out of Norfolk Virginia Hawea notified port officials wno contacted the sheriff' department and the medical examiner Swift Morse and was born here He attended schools here and served overseas in the Army Air Forres He is survived by hi parents his wife of Corpus Christi and a brother of this town Military services will be conducted by Williams-Brazier post American Legion at the Davis Funeral home here Wednesday at 3 The Rev Theodore Swetnam of the local Baptist church will officiate Burial will be in the village the the Constitution Convention at Philadelphia in 1787 He was one of Tennevsee'a first two senators Blount wa impeached hy the House on July 7 1797 for connection with a conspiracy to seize the Spanish-owned Florid as and Louisiana for England then at war with Spain The next day the Senate expelled him from office But when the impeachment trial came around the charges were dismissed First It was decided he couldn't be Impeached since he no longer was In the Senate Second it was decided that even if he had been a senator he wasn't a civil officer of the The Encyclopedia Britannica points out the Impeachment proceedings didn't hurt Blount politically He "enthusiastically supported by hL constituents:" the JB says Blount not only was elected to the Tennessee State Senate but also became its presiding officer died 27 years ago in Hallowell- She had been a resident of Gardiner since 1927 making her home with a daughter Miss Edna Brooks Besides that daughter she is survived by a sifter Mrs Louise Carleton of Gardiner a brother Jopn Noble Ladner of Springfield Prmee Edward Island two sons Roland Brooks of Augusta and Benjamin A Brooks of West Gar-' diner another daughter Mrs Lorin Arnold of Bangor formerly of Augusta and four grandchildren and several nephews and nieces She was the daughter of Edmund and Sarah (Dumville) Ladner of West Point I and one -of eight children She and her husband became residents of Easton In 1900 and nine years later moved to Augusta where they lived several years Mr Brooks who took much interest in community and state affairs 'acquired a wide circle of friends as a resident of Aroostook county and central Maine and was especially interested in the church and its activities Before her ill health she attended the Highland Avenue Methodist church ONLY ONCE There's not much of a wav to kick him out of office In fact' only once in the long history of the has a senator ever been impeached And then the charges were dropped for a lack of Jurisdiction This comes up today because the national planning committee of the American Veterans Committee has called for the Impeachment of Senator McCarthy (R-Wis) The committee adopted a resolution which said McCarthy is for office" Its reasons included criticism of the conduct of his current attack on the State department This is no place to discuss the wisdom or unwisdom of such a resolution But it's a good time to brush up on the history of our Democratic processes Can a senator be impeached? Rep Chauncey Reed R-111) a member of the House judiciary committee says the courts have ruled no Impeachment proceedings may b8 brought against the President Vice President people who are considered civil officers of the government Reed says Senators aren't considered civil officers But a senator or representative ca ia be expelled "Each the constitution says determine the rules of its proceedings punish Its members for disorderly behavior and with concurrence of two-thirds expel a member" Occasionally the House and the Senate has refused to accept a member HISTORIC CASE And at least once the Senate has kicked out one of its members His name William Blount He was an outstanding leader from an outstanding family A brother was 1 GEORGE WENTWORTH PROVIDENCE I June George Wentworth about 75 formerly of Bangor Me where he was employed by Swift and company died here Sunday night after a year's illness He is survived by a sister Mrs Mary Vickery of 183 Elm stareet Bangor- and several nieces and nephew-s of Bangor and Spring -field Mass He left Bangor at an early age Pravers will be said Wednesday at 1 at the East Bangor Me cemetery TEA! ROSE AS C0OD Levant Boy Injured After Running Into Side Of Passing Auto A three-year-old Levant boy wa Injured yesterday state police reported when he ran into the side of a passing automobile David Keith son of Mr and Mrs Alden Keith Jr received a DEATHS ITS CM-4 Big Mo Heads Task Force On Cruise To NORFOLK Va June 5 fAP Led bv the battleship Missouri Task Force 86 sailed today lrom Norfolk for a six-week training cruise for NROTC and Annapolis midshipmen The task force commanded by Rear Adm FYed Klrtland USN commander Atlantic Fleet Training Command is bound for New England The Missouri will stop at Boston while the other ships in the task force proceed to Portland Me The eight destroyers in the force and the Mighty Mo embarked the Naval Academy middies in Annapolis last week and the college midshipmen Joined the ships here on Sunday The Missouri was delayed Saturday at Annapolis by low tides The Annapolis students are members of the third' class and the first class The Indians will work with enlisted men and the Chiefs will stand watches with the officers on the ships The NROTC students are seniors who have had four years of college NROTC training A second cruise for middies will be in the late summer IN PRESQUE Mis Estella A stonberg Monday funeral services will be conducted Wednesday at 2 rnf at Morgan's fu-ueral home Caribou IN' GUILFORD Mrs Ruby XV Gould Monday funeral services will be conducted at Harvey's Funeral home Guilford Wednesday at 10 a IN Elmer A Pattee Sunday Masonic funeral services will be conducted Wednesday at 2 at the Harmony Baptist church MRS JOHN GILMAN NEWPORT June Edith Estelle Gilman 39 wife of John Gilman died Sunday night after a period of ill health She was bom in Smyrna Mills daughter of Edith and the late Goodwin Wiseman The family came to Newport 27 years ago from Waterville where they had lived a number of years She was graduated from Newport high school and the University of Maine and attended a secretarial school in Washington She as a member of the Methodist church Nokomis rhapter OES and was a past president of the Newport club Sh married Mr Gilman in October 1934 He survives together with two sons Goodwin and John and her Mrs Edith Wiseman all of Newport four brothers LeBfon and Walt Wiseman "of Newport Herbert CJ Wiseman of Washington and Carl Wiseman of Bangor two aunts Mrs Horace Cranvell of Presque Isle and Mrs Mabel Sawyer of Waterville and several nieces nephews and cousins Private funeral services will be conducted at the residence Wednesday at 2 the 'Rev Homer Hughey of the People's MethodisJ church officiating Burial will be in Pine Grove cemetery Waterville chusetta and Maryland" Stamler added Agents from the attorney general's office raided the Western Un ion office April 26 At the time Stamler said whole sale quantities of money orders had been transmitted to out-of-? state bookmakers to cover horse race bets which could not be covered locally At that time the company said there was no state law prohibiting its New Jersey offices from accepting such money order bets but that it would refrain from taking any further bets until the question had been decided In the courts FUNERAL SERVICES DEXTER June Funeral services for Alexandpr Brown were held at the Crosby 'funeral parlors Sunday afternoon the Rev Theodore A Webb or the First Uni-versalist church officiating Bearers were Harold Getchell Earl FNimroy Blaine Williams and Clarence Bates Burial was in the Pittsfield Funeral sendees for Franklin Fish Sr were held from the residence 20 Birch street Monday afternoon the Rev Ralph Barron pastor of the Grace Methodist church officiating Bearers were Paul Bennett Howard Hawes Ernest Kimball and Frank Winchell Interment was in the family lot Fine Grove cemetery with iDPfflil'PliK limn MRS -MARY BEALE BELFAST June Funeral serv-iat ires for Mrs Mary Beale of Commander Adrian Miner of -the Belfast widow of Dr Wallace Norman Dow post Veterans of Beale were held Thursday a rter- Foreign Wars and Past Depart-noon at the Ellis Delano Commander Charles Lane officiating neral home Brockton Mass The Rev Lester Lewis of the Unity church Brockton officiated Burial was the family Ini ui Melrose cemrterv Brockton AShe-died Mav 29 Belfast FRANKFORT June 5 Funeral service for Miss Lavonia Clark were conducted at her home here jthi afternoon the Rev Chester Western Union Indicted In Gambling Probe BRIDGETON June 5 fAP) Cumberland county grand Jury today returned five indictments charging Western Union Telegraph Co with aiding and abetting in bookmaking State Deputy Attorney General Nelson Stamler said shortly after the indictments were handed up that Western Union records showed 1300000 a year was bet through the local office He added that Western Union collected an average of 126000 a yrar on message charges One of the indictments was impounded by Judze David Hor-uvitz at the request of Stamler He said it concerned the company and certain individuals outside the Jurisdiction of the county court The indictments also named Charles Frake manager of the Western Union office in this small south Jersey city and Donaldson alias Leo Fink of Teaneck The telegraph firm was accused of sending messages in the aid of illegal business from Feb 1 to March 6 by transmitting horse bets from James Notaro toDonaldson Officials identified Notaro as a pool room operator here Stamler said Donaldson has a record of a bookmaking arrest but was not convicted A bench warrant was Issued for his arrest The company and FYake were charged with maintaining a disorderly house at the Western Union office Frake and Donaldson alsa were charged with conspiring to establish a bookmaking place Seventy per cent of all bets mad through the Bridgeton Western Union office in the last three years went to Donaldson Stamler said have linked Donaldson with bookmaking operations in Massa- Beale had -made her homejpmkham of the local Congrega-m Belfast the past three years tlonal churclj officiating Burial was in Pilgrim's Home ctnetery Monroe Bhe was born Dedham Mass Jan 8 1868 daughter of Albert Bearers were Charles Alley Walter Marden Floyd Shields and Earl Lowe Frigldoire Electric Ranges nd Mary Leach Mrs Beale was educated in Boston and taught school in Wayiand and FVeret-t Mass she was married in 1894 Mrs Beale was the founder of the Ten-Times-Ore club cf the Unity chruch in Brockton and served as itsfirst president- She was al-o a Sunday school teacher and active in church affairs FYf mere than 50 years Pie kept a Portland the summer home at Frigidair Windew-Typ Air Conditioner easily batoned ecenom-kot to eeerota Cbm in tee new for batter living Th brand new 1950 Frigidoi re kitchen end laundry appliances are an display her now They'r th finest Frigidoir bos vr for for 9 beautiful madali to ahoota from feoturs for baouty design I Don't miss this spciol opportunity to sa them demonstrated Find out hoeseosy they or to buy on our convenient terms ond how eoty they ere to use I PER GALLON Donl add arnirfmiry I year paint jab Init an LOC-LIN Taint and LOC-LIN Perrh and Drrk Enamel Ear here are truly quality painla affered at hudgrt-plra'ing price LOC-LIN Paint are eay la apply They came ready-mixed and are extremely durable waterpreof in4 ahable You'll be mighty pirated with the fine la-ting finith that LOC-LIN give la year home BUY IT TOIUY Ii ee-u far let thanalher qeality pain SOLD EXCLUSIVELY AT SURPLUS ORONO June 5 A Requiem High Mass for Charles -Connors was celebrated in St Catholic church Saturday morning with the Rev Thomas Nelligan officiating Bearers were Paul Leveille Lester Cowan Thornton Young Andrew Wing Frank' Clement- and Charles Cota Interment was in Riverside Orono 1000 Openings U4SHINGTOV June 5 The Mate Department an nounred today it has openint for more than lW American who would like to study teach' or do research abroad next year with most expenses paid KRAFTMASTER HOUSE PAINT and FLOOR ENAMEL 255 Frigidoir Food Frtezore Surviving i a srr Edward Hale Beal of Bflfai JofTH nwroRTH bar harbor June 5-jnvph Den forth 77 a retired bu-mr man died at a W-al lin-pital FYi- dv a per a short illness He was born March 26 1871 In Bangor son of the Charles and Elrabelh Danforth He a'tricled the Episcopal churcn Coming here from Watertown Mas four vears ago he hd made his hctre with his niece Mrs Graham 27 Ledgelawn avenue Besides Mrs Graham he survived by several other nieces FureraJ services wfre held Sun- th TrU- of t- School I't net rtriein bid for "0 imm et don artf 1 'f ba-n and et B-af ip frocl ef th fin ft- Kt rf 8 8 1 'n HaTfwr Ke a Tc -pit I4 it jw- iri a -s thogl njsrwxcr 8rcjen A Vka Frigidoir All-Porcelain Automatic Washer only wash or with amazing LWo-Wetar oeioa Frigidoir Electric Clothe Dryer dry clothes la weother 15-25 an Frigidoir Electric Irener eoty to use cuts Iron bg time In hod Frigidoir Electric Water Heater Table -Top end Tank Type Models in ol bsefc With Currant saving Meter -Miser tj-jf Look Outside I Look Inside! You Can't Match a Frlgtdalre Home Appliance! HEMORRHOIDS-PILES FISSURE Afbiai Prlpif iHUrtel iM litFftil la Uihi krsfh mUI 4iai4 Mf (ratvial th Mwaai to with prMfyia malt allavtif ya tia ralr 4ivr wtht tatrrpta-A prtaatl niaiMtMii tei4 lrtaiat ar? Hr t-13 a tilaNaft Smm4x 4 vniar Athataiat WH Bowman PTD Oftr Mh 8iRr Tlaha iU MAIL ORDERS FILLED Shipping Charge Collect Don't Be Confuted Remember There Is Only One SURPLUS Located At: Z1J3 BROAD ST Automobile Insurance CORDON-CARLISLE Inc GENERAL INSURANCE Building Room 7 1 Main hi Banter Maine mm 127 FRANKLIN ST TEL 6431 BANGOR mmmmmmi.
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